UX/UI Design
Informed and Process Driven


Research, Design, Repeat

I strive to craft elegant solutions through iterative design and based on quantitative and qualitative data, user interviews, analytics, business goals, and marketing objectives. Sketches are a big part of my craft as I try to synthesize business objectives and user needs. It is especially powerful at unlocking the design mind and quickly and cheaply uncover optimal solutions. Through prototypes, testing, and final UI mockups, I make choices with intent.


I know who I am and I'm not 65 with five grandchildren and I'm not 15 with 1,000 followers online. Yet, these are the people for whom I design. Research and evaluation lets me understand them so that my solutions are those they need and not the ones I like.


Design is a powerful tool in a large toolbox for the designer. The most important design elements are those that we do not notice. Tell me three things you thought were great about something and you might have to think a while; tell me three things that went wrong and you probably have a ready answer.


There is no perfect answer. Evaluation, iteration, and teamwork are important toward creating a more complete product that changes alongside users. I can find a million ways to solve a problem but I just need one, and that solution  keeps evolving through research and design.


Let's Talk Design